If Nigella can do it so can you!

In this article in the Mail Online (click here) Nigella has lost a stone in 6 months through Hypnotherapy.  You too can lose weight through the Hypnoband program in Potters Bar.

I have been using the Hypnoband program for nearly four years to help people lose weight.  You will start to lose weight after the first session as your eating habits begin to change.  You will be delighted with what you have achieved.

There are four sessions in the program, each lasting about an hour. Each session costs £95 and you will be given “homework” to keep you on track between sessions.  Success rates are high at about 70 percent.  Call 07867 802062 today or fill in the form below:

Will it work for you? Results in 24 hours.

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please enter your phone number NO SPACES

Not Just a Dry January

A number of my clients have tried the dry January thing, several times.  They now realize that their drinking is beyond their control.  It is affecting their lives and more importantly, the lives of others close to them.  They have come to realize that they are in the grip of a powerful addiction and it’s taken over their lives!

Giving up for January, cutting down or drinking weaker drinks just isn’t working. Relationships, jobs, finances, and families are crumbling and it is time to face up to the realities of the situation.  When I ask my clients who are addicted to alcohol “How will the video end?” they can only see their lives spiraling ever downwards.

At Vital minds we use a combination of counselling and hypnotherapy help the client understand their feelings and regain control of their lives.  They love having that control back!

The chances are that you, or someone you know is in this spiral of destruction now.  The brave are brave enough to ask for help and help is a phone call away!

Beating Drug Addiction

I have been working with a heroin addict for the last couple of weeks and we are making good progress.  The work we are doing together is based on The Recovery Formula by Beth Burgess.

The life of the addict is complex and uncomfortable.  The normal support networks which we all have around us and take for granted, are either not there or are compromised. Every aspect of the addict’s life has been affected by the addiction.  So I find that I’m working not only on helping my client to beat the addiction, but to ensure that all support required for recovery is in place.  My client and I are dependent on others for this and there are at least 6 people involved.

After a couple of weeks things seem to be going in the right direction.  Those who need to give their support are giving it and my client has taken the first steps to recovery.

Weight loss surgery may not fix the underlying problem!

I took part in a discussion about weight loss surgery on Three Counties Radio yesterday.
Professor David Kerrigan says that Obesity will bankrupt the NHS. My contention is that many people who are overweight suffer from depression or anxiety which owes its origins to difficult childhoods or trauma. In my experience these unfortunate people “self medicate with food” to get them through their unhappy day. So my job is to lift the depression or help them to deal with the anxiety. If I can do this weight loss follows, without the need for expensive and risky surgery. Incidentally, several people have come to me after failed surgery and are living with the consequences. So more research needs to me done on the long term effects of Bariatric surgery. If you want to listen to the short discussion my bit is at 1.54.35 http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02b3236


As an experienced hypnotherapist I’m always looking at new ways of helping people. Mindfulness is nothing new, although there have been several excellent books published on the subject recently.  Having read a number of them, I realize that I have been using some of the techniques for years.

So how can mindfulness help?  Mindfulness can help with:

  • depression
  • anxiety
  • lack of confidence
  • weight loss, if depression is the cause
  • addiction

Mindfulness training helps us to get in touch with our true feelings, in a non-judgmental way.  So it enables us to see things as they really are and to manage our way through life’s challenges much more easily.  A big part of this is living for the NOW and gaining pleasure from small things, the small things we see and experience every day.