Social Anxiety

Do most of us have a bit of social anxiety?  I think we probably do.  We are concerned about what people think of us, how we look and maybe how successful we are.  People in their teens and twenties may suffer from this more than most.  Things  can start to get difficult when we use excess alcohol or drugs to calm our nerves.  The drug takes over and can become the most important part of our day.  Another reaction to this might be to make excuses and start to avoid social situations. This may led to becoming more and more introverted.

Those of us who are socially anxious need a strategy to make operating in social and work situations easier.  A couple of sessions of counselling and some hypnotherapy can help with this significantly.  The anxiety won’t go completely and actually being a bit nervous helps us to perform better, but with the right plan in place things become much easier.


Hypnotherapy for Stroke Recovery

Conventional Treatment

Physiotherapy, including relaxation, manipulation and exercise is part of the normal Stroke rehabilitation process.  Repetitive exercises, undertaken by the stroke sufferer, focused on the parts of the body where movement has been reduced by stroke, helps to re-establish movement.  This is achieved because neuroplasticity allows brain functions, which support physical body movements damaged by stroke, to be taken over by undamaged parts of the brain and become re-established.

One of the difficulties encountered by stroke sufferers as they try to recover, is the number of repetitions of specific exercises required to re-establish movement.  Thousands of repetitions are required over months or years and even then progress can be slow.  The sufferer has to be VERY highly motivated, over a long period of time, to carry out the large number of repetitions required.  Motivation or the lack of it can have a very significant impact on recovery.  The sufferer will, no doubt, go through the exercises with the physiotherapist.  However, to achieve even a moderate improvement exercises need to be carried out alone, in the correct manner without supervision, for long periods each day.

About Hypnotherapy

In Hypnotherapy the therapist suggests new, positive behaviours to the client while in hypnosis.  For example, suggestions made to a weight loss client would include:  “From today, you eat small portions of healthy nutritious food”.  These suggestions are made directly to the subconscious mind in hypnosis and because the subconscious is non-judgemental (unlike the conscious mind) they are adopted and support new changed behaviours.  Many suggestions are characterised by visualisation.  For example, “Imagine that you are watching a video, on a big bright TV screen right in front of you.  And in the video you see yourself walking, helped by your physiotherapist Carol.  You are walking tall looking straight ahead, looking strong and confident”.   So these positive helpful suggestions are taken on board by the subconscious and become habitual.  When this happens new neural pathways are established in the brain to support these behaviours and old pathways supporting bad behaviours waste away.  So hypnotherapy uses neuroplasticity to great effect, often changing the habits of a lifetime (smoking) in one short therapy session.

Visualization for improved performance

Visualization has been used in Sports Science for decades.  Seasoned athletes use vivid, highly detailed internal images and run-throughs of the entire performance, engaging all their senses in their mental rehearsal, and they combine their knowledge of the sports venue with mental rehearsal. World Champion Golfer, Jack Nicklaus has said: “I never hit a shot, not even in practice, without having a very sharp in-focus picture of it in my head”.

A study looking at brain patterns in weightlifters found that the patterns activated when a weightlifter lifted hundreds of pounds were similarly activated when they only imagined lifting.

Brain studies now reveal that thoughts produce the same mental instructions as actions. Mental imagery impacts many cognitive processes in the brain: motor control, attention, perception, planning, and memory. So the brain is getting trained for actual performance during visualization. It’s been found that mental practices can enhance motivation, increase confidence and improve motor performance.

Focus on Quality

As discussed above, the stroke sufferer in recovery must perform a very high number of repetitions of specific exercises, on their own, to achieve success.  Motivation may be high to begin with, but tapers off rapidly and the required number of repetitions is only likely to be achieved in a limited number of cases.  This places a practical limit on what can be achieved via Physiotherapy.  If quantity of exercise required is very hard or impossible to achieve, then improvement in quality of exercises undertaken might be a way of improving outcomes.  There is plenty of evidence to show that visualisation improves outcomes in sport.  In fact many top sportsmen and women have used the enhanced levels of visualisation enabled by hypnosis to improve their performance.  Top sports people talk about being “in the zone” and totally focussed.  This is similar to being in a state of hypnosis.

When stroke sufferers are taken through a set of steps, for example the transfer from wheelchair to car in hypnosis. They are, of course, visualising the steps involved guided by the therapist.  Subsequent performance of the task appears significantly improved.  The same can be said of specific exercises, when these are undertaken in hypnosis with the use of strong imagery, provided by the therapist.  For example, an arm stretching exercise where the fingers of both hands are interlocked and then the arms stretch forward together.  This involves visualisation of the whole arm, right from the shoulder blade down through all the bones and muscles in the arm right down to the palms of the hands, before the exercise even begins.  The exercise itself, in hypnosis, involves visualisation of the whole movement, including breathing.  The result is an exercise well executed.  In fact the range of movement in hypnosis often exceeds the range of movement achieved normally.  So hypnosis evidently provides an increase in the quality of movement while at the same time using neuroplasticity to establish that movement or set of tasks in an unaffected part of the brain.


Physiotherapy, aided by neuroplasticity, plays a major part in stroke recovery.  However, unless levels of motivation in the stroke sufferer are exceptionally high, recovery of movement is limited.  Visualization used in hypnosis appears to improve the performance of sequential tasks and individual exercises.  It too relies on neuroplasticity.  This being the case, the limitations imposed on the Physiotherapy by the sheer number of repetitions required, could be overcome by the use of visualization, in hypnosis, where the the exercise is performed is to a higher quality and the visualization involved better and perhaps more rapidly exploits neuroplasticity.



Funny Turn? You might be having a mini Stroke!

Having a Stroke is a truly devastating event!  Your whole life will change in an instant and recovery is a long, long process.  You might get a warning in the form a mini-stroke.  If this happens and you take the right action you can avoid having a major stroke and live a normal healthy life.  This article in the Mail Online tells you about all the warning signs, so read it NOW!

I have been helping a Stroke sufferer.  She is making good progress!  Naturally enough she was feeling pretty down while she was in hospital.  In our first session I helped her to see all the positive things about her life.  She was due to go home in a couple of weeks time, she had the loving support of her family and was going to get regular help from her Physiotherapists when she got home.  She had a number of goals and I helped her to focus positively on these goals.

I attended one of her Physio sessions in the hospital. She was doing a “car transfer”. There is a sequence of steps involved in this.  I ran her through these in hypnosis and she responded very well.  The steps are now firmly routed in her sub conscious.

I attended a Physio session at her home where she was being helped to walk with a four wheeled frame.  She was experiencing a lot of pain in her ankle and hand.  I helped to remove this pain with pain relief hypnotherapy. She “dispatched her pain to me”.  In the session which followed she walked better than ever, with no pain.

So those are three areas in which Stroke Sufferers can be helped by Hypnotherapy.  I’m sure that there are many more.

Teenage Stress

I have helped a number of teenagers recently to manage the stress in their lives.  As this article on the BBC website shows it’s a common problem.  It requires urgent attention and your GP may not be able to offer much help.

Being a teenager is stressful.  There is pressure to achieve good results at school and university.  There is pressure to look good and appear as successful as others.  There is a lot of pressure to “perform” at social events, which makes them stressful and not much fun.  And of course there is the roller-coaster of relationships and its wheels don’t run smoothly.

The teenage years are a period of huge and almost constant change, with new challenges around every corner, with the world looking on. As adults, I’m sure all of us can recall some bad times as a teenager.  Some of us coped pretty well but others did not.  Maybe those teenage troubles are still with us today in the form of depression or addiction.

Teenagers need a helping hand at times and the combination of Counselling and Hypnotherapy offered by Vital Minds can help.