Men’s Health

Men are concerned about their body shape.  A high proportion of my male Hypno-band weight loss clients say so.  This research study confirms my findings.

My male clients seem to have a poor understanding of diet and nutrition.  That’s why they have put weight on.  They eat too many carbohydrates and need to cut down.  Many are very committed to exercise, having enjoyed sport in the past.  This commitment combined with The Hypno-band weight loss program will get them the body shape they want and their health will improve significantly.

Over 40? Time to act your age!

Ok, so you’ve reached the ripe old age of 40 and its time for you to make your health your top priority.  In your twenties and thirties you made all the excuses, but now’s the time to toughen-up.

Go and see your GP, it costs you nothing but your time, and get checked out.  Be honest and act on the advice you are given.  Take a look at this article.  This guy knows what he’s talking about!


Plate half full diet!

You know that full satisfied feeling so well.  In fact you don’t stop eating until you get there and this happens several times a day.  Of course, you’re overweight and feeling pretty bad about yourself.

Try this.  Prepare a small meal.  Follow any recipe or diet book you like, but just be sure that it is a normal healthy portion low in carbohydrates  (not much bread, potatoes, pasta or rice).

So now eat your meal.  Surprise, surprise, you dont feel full.  That heavy feeling is not there.  Is that a bad feeling?  Well no, not really.  Now carry on and do the next thing in your day.

Do the same thing with your next meal.  Make it a small one, on a small plate perhaps. Again, you don’t get the full feeling.  Was that a bad feeling?  No it was just a feeling.

Keep this up for a day or two.  Now that half full feeling when you’ve finished eating feels normal.  Well it feels quite good actually.  Does it feel better than that heavy bloated feeling you used to have?  It does actually!


Dodging the Issue

Am I surprised that many of my weight-loss clients don’t know how much they weigh, or indeed own a set of scales? Well no, I’m not really. They are overweight and have been putting on weight for quite a while. They have dodged the issue and there’s a bit of that in all of us!

What does worry me is this. Very few of my weight loss clients have seen their Doctor recently. This is not a scaremongering exercise, but they may well have high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, high cholesterol levels – need I go on.

Ok their Doctor will have a moan at them, they would expect that. He or she will do the basic tests and give them the results.

So now they have some starting points other than their weight. As their weight comes down the levels of these other vital health indicators will improve as well. That will be a good feeling. More rewards for the effort it takes to lose weight.

Do you want it enough?

I’m finding that my Hypno-band weight loss clients really have to want to lose weight.  That seems a bit obvious doesn’t it.  Well saying you want something just isn’t enough!

Those of us who over-eat do so to reward or comfort themselves throughout the day.  Think of a smoker getting a fix from a cigarette x times a day.  So I’m asking clients to stop taking these fixes.  I’m asking them to give up something which is of great value to them!  The suggestions I make to them in the hypnotherapy sessions really do help, but giving up the food fixes is hard.

In the first session I discuss my clients feelings about their weight and bodies with them. Most feel pretty bad.  I need them to have that bad feeling and feel the pain deep inside them. They don’t like these feelings and want them to go.  Well they will go.  By the end of week one most will have lost 2-4 pounds and feel really good.

So the good feelings are starting and the bad feelings are not so bad.  The client feels positive, the food fixes are less of a problem and they are starting to do some exercise.  “A thing well begun is half done”!