What’s your reward for weight loss?

My Hypno-band weight loss clients need a reward for their efforts.  The need for reward is a basic human condition.  If we know we are going to get something out of it, we’ll do it!

New clothes are the obvios reward, but for many that’s going to be a long way off.  So the thought of that reward won’t sustain my clients on their mission.  One of my quit smoking clients went out and bought himself a new car.  He promised himself that he would never smoke again while he had that car.  That was a good reward for him, but we don’t all have that amount of cash available.

So the reward has to be achievable short-term and not involve a pile of money.  Finding that reward and achieving it is easer than you might think.  Any ideas?

Are you selfish enough to lose weight?

I always my Hypno-band weight loss clients if they are generous or selfish. 99% say that they are generous.  Well that’s the wrong attitude if you want to lose weight!

Ask yourself “Who am I doing this for and why am I doing it”.  Are you doing ir for someone else?  I doubt it.  Someone close to you will be very glad if you do lose weight, because they know that it will make you happy, but that’s just an additional benefit.

So I tell my clients that they have to be totally selfish.  All other considerations have to take the back seat for a while.  They have to have sharp elbows and barge everything else out or the way.  One response I got was “Well nothing is more important than my job!”  “Think again”.  I said.  Five minutes ago you told me that you father died from a heart attack in his forties.  Now you are telling me that your job is more important than your health……….

Can’t measure, can’t manage

Management Consultant speak in the post title – sorry,  but you need all the tricks you can muster to lose weight!  It’s true though, and now if you are just a bit of a techie, or know someone who is, you can use an on-line food diary on your phone to manage your food intake.  It does really clever stuff.  You can scan your shop bought meals with your phone and the data automatically hits your diary!  It gives you a daily calorie count and you can print out weekly reports. Bit of a pain do you think?  Well once it’s set up its dream.  You can see where you are going wrong at a glance and manage the result. Just have a look at www.myfitnesspal.com and give it a go!

Baked potato = Unhealthy food!

When I look at my weight-loss client’s food diaries, the Baked Potato keeps appearing. When questioned, the clients are convinced that it’s a healthy food.  They are wrong!

To be fair it won’t do you any harm, but if you are trying to lose weight – Avoid!

Now for the facts!  The Glycemic Index, which measures how fast a food type raises blood sugar, for a baked potato is about 85.  This is high (raw carrot 16).  When you eat the Baked Potato there is a rush of insulin in your body. The insulin immediately converts the starch in the potato to sugar, which is stored in your body as Fat.

The Glycemic Load of the Baked Potato is high.  This means that amount of carbohydrate in it is high, so you are getting a lot of it in a portion.  So on two counts this is bad.  It’s not poison, but if you are trying to lose weight it’s one of the worst things you can eat.

If you want to know more about this read “The Insulin Factor” by Anthony J Haynes.

Commitment, Commitment, you guessed it, Commitment.

Looking back over the clients I have helped with the Hypno-band weight loss program over the last 6 months the word commitment springs right out at me.

If the client’s number one priority, to the exclusion of pretty much everything else, then weight loss surely follows.

If the commitment is there, asking the client to cut down on certain types of food is something they can do easily.  If thy have to manage their busy social life they can do that as well.  Weight loss is absolutely their top priority and they have the power to change themselves.