Well I do have a Magic Wand of sorts, it is the Hypnoband Weight Loss Program. If you have the time so do I. Come and find out all about it at 10.00am, on Saturday 13th January in the relaxed atmosphere of my home in Rutland, LE15 7SE (click on post code for map).
There is a £10 registration fee payable in advance via PayPal. Attendees will come away with an understanding of why hypnotherapy is a vital tool in delivering personal change and a full understanding of what the Hypnoband program involves. One attendee will have the opportunity of attending their first private session commencing at 11.00am which will take about an hour and a half.
The Hypnoband Program comprises 5 sessions, about 2 weeks apart with homework (not very arduous) between sessions. Each session costs £95.00. There is a 10% discount if all sessions are paid up-front.
Text CONFIRM to 07867 802062 now, to reserve your place