Am I surprised that many of my weight-loss clients don’t know how much they weigh, or indeed own a set of scales? Well no, I’m not really. They are overweight and have been putting on weight for quite a while. They have dodged the issue and there’s a bit of that in all of us!
What does worry me is this. Very few of my weight loss clients have seen their Doctor recently. This is not a scaremongering exercise, but they may well have high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, high cholesterol levels – need I go on.
Ok their Doctor will have a moan at them, they would expect that. He or she will do the basic tests and give them the results.
So now they have some starting points other than their weight. As their weight comes down the levels of these other vital health indicators will improve as well. That will be a good feeling. More rewards for the effort it takes to lose weight.