Eating habits changed overnight!

Ed, a new Hypmo-band weight loss client, had his first session on Tuesday evening.  He is a builder who frequents “The Caff”.  He didn’t go near the place on Wednesday or today, because he just didn’t feel hungry!

So his mind-set has been changed after only one session.  These are early days, but the change is remarkable.

So what’s not happening?

So you started the year determined to lose weight, but it’s just not happening.  Well one of two things is wrong. Don’t worry.  You are either eating too much or not taking enough exercise.

OK, so the eating one first.  Bread, potatoes and pasta are the enemy.  Yes pasta! This supposedly healthy food is full of carbohydrates. You do need carbs in your diet, but if you are taking in a lot you will not lose weight.  You should never have two lots of carbs in one meal.

Now on to the exercise.  You need to get your heart rate up to burn fat.  20 minutes walk is not enough.  20 minuets walking up a steep hill might be!  You need to get your heart rate up.  You should be working at 70-80% of your maximum hear rate.  To calculate your maximum heart rate subtract your age from 200. So if you are 40 that’s 160.  Now you should only work at 70-80% of that, so 75% of 160 is 120.

You can buy a heart monitor to measure your heart rate while exercising.  It would be a good investment. Otherwise, exercise until you are breathing hard and take your pulse.  Do this a couple of times until you are getting consistent results.

Don’t worry if you are finding the exercise bit hard.  Have a go every day, for as long as you can manage, even if it’s only 10 minutes to begin with.  Make sure that you are breathing hard at the end.  Each day you will become stronger and be able to go on a bit longer.

So have another go at your diet and exercise plan.  Eat small portions of food (The Hypno-band Program really helps with this) and cut right back on bread, potatoes and pasta.  Your day will be ruined if you don’t eat breakfast. Any high in fibre cereal will do.  Have an apple in the middle of the morning to talke you through to lunchtime.

Heading for the Beach?

Is your summer holiday booked, or are you just making up your mind?

How did you feel on the beach last year?  Not so good?  Did you find yourself covering-up because you were carrying a bit too much weight?  Did that take the edge off  your holiday?  If it did, you should start your Hypno-band weight loss journey this month.

You could lose 12 pounds a month.  That’s 48 pounds form the beginning of March to the end of June.  How would you look that much lighter?  How would you feel?  And, if you changed your eating habits completely, which is what the Hypno band program helps you to do you, how would you look by Christmas?

“Life begins at 40”. Watch out for weight gain!

When you turn forty you must have a Weight Management Strategy in-place.  In and excellent article in the Daily Mail Lucy Cavendish explains that in her 40s it took a huge effort to lose weight.

Medical expertise backs this up. Dr Pamela Peeke, author of Fight Fat Over 40, explains: “This is because once we turn 40, our metabolic rate — in other words our ability to burn calories — drops. We lose muscle tone. We get stressed and eat more calories than we need, when what we should be doing is exercising more and controlling portion sizes”.

Exercise and dieting are not the help that they were when people were in their 20s. Portion size is critical, which is where the Hypno-band really helps.

The gym is full to bursting in in the first week of January, but it’s tailed right off now.  Yes, more exercise would help, but a real behaviour change is needed.  To lose weight on a sustained basis you must change your relationship with food (and exercise).  The Hypno-band program does’t just perform some trickery.  It addresses these fundamental issues. It changes your mind-set and makes that change possible.

As Dr Peeke points out: “At the age of 20, you may have required 2,000 calories a day, but by 45 you could require 300 fewer calories a day. If you continue to consume those extra calories, you will gain 1lb every 12 days or about 30lb per year”.